Champernowne constant
Champernowne constant(in base $10$) is : $0.12345678910…$
One can see the pattern quite easily, it’s a real number with the fractional part as the concatenation of successive integers.
Suppose we want to find the $N^{th}$ digit of this infinite decimal expansion, what can we do?1
I’d highly recommend the reader to think about the problem before reading further.
The simplest way would be to iterate over the integers while keeping track of the number of digits so far.
def find_Nth_digit(N):
cur = 0, num = 1
while true:
d = number_of_digits(num)
if cur + d < N:
cur += d
return get_ith_digit(i = N - cur, num)
num += 1
This approach isn't too favorable when $N$ becomes huge, say, $N > 10^{18}$.
If we look at the natural numbers we can see a pattern which we can exploit to create a better algorithm.
The first $9$ numbers have $1$ digit each.
The next $90$ numbers have $2$ digits each.
The next $900$ numbers have $3$ digits each.
And so on.
We can write it out as a polynomial, $F(D)$.
$F(D)$ = number of digits upto $10 ^ D - 1$
i.e integers having <= $D$ digits
$F(D) = (9 \times \!1) + (90 \times 2) \: + ... \: + (9 \times \! 10 ^ {(D - 1)} \times D)$
We can binary search on the value of $D$ and then binary search again(if needed) to find the Nth digit amongst the $(D + 1)^{th}$ digit numbers. This reduces the complexity of the algorithm by a lot, and we have something in the form of $O(\log N)$ time complexity.
[1] - The problem is a slight variation of the project euler problem.