Problem of the month series


Starting from this month, i.e. June 2022, I’m planning to post a series of blogs on one of the most interesting problem which I would have solved during that month. The problems(atleast for now) would be of an algorithmic nature, in the sense that the solution to those problems would involve coming up with some logical steps to solve it.
And as always, all my dear readers are encouraged to try the problems themselves before looking at the solution. :D


I got occupied with other things in life and work, got addicted to playing league of legends(started one-tricking Rek'sai), and I didn't(or couldn't) make time to solve problems, much of my free time was spent on YT and league. Also another big reason for procrastinating was, I was trying to crack a certain hard problem, I made a bit of progress but then I quickly hit a roadblock, and I was stubborn and adamant to solve that particular problem over trying other new ones, which made me lose time. Since I wasn't making progress in my chosen problem, it demotivated me and I eventually stopped thinking about it. In retrospective, I probably should've been more flexible and tried other problems, which probably would've given me new ideas to crack the other one. Anyways, this is life, we fail sometimes, we succeed sometimes, but what matters is that we stand up and keep moving forward(and also learn from your past mistakes, so you don't repeat them).

So, with new energy and enthusiasm, I’m restarting this intiative from this year(2023). Onwards conqueror!
